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Geschrieben von Ekkehard Friebe am 24.01.2006 um 23:19:

Bekanntmachung eines Vortrages

Bekanntmachung eines Vortrages:

Thema: "Wurde Albert Einstein das Opfer der Wissenschaftler seiner Zeit?"

Vortragender: Dipl.-Ing. Ekkehard Friebe, Regierungsdirektor i. R.

Tagung: Fr?hjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft vom 20. M?rz bis 22. M?rz 2006 in Kassel

Tag und Uhrzeit: Dienstag, 21. 3. 06 um 16:10 Uhr.

N?heres finden Sie unter:

Kurzfassung des Vortrages:


"In seiner Ver?ffentlichung: "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K?rper" von 1905 definierte Albert EINSTEIN zwei Prinzipien, die er aus damals bekannten Experimenten folgert. Schon bald erkannte EINSTEIN, was heute weitgehend unbekannt ist, da? er sich im mathematischen Teil seiner vorgenannten Arbeit geirrt hatte. Veranla?t waren diese Irrt?mer einerseits durch die Elektrodynamik MAXWELLS, von der er in dieser Arbeit ausging, andererseits durch die Elektronentheorie von LORENTZ. Zur Kl?rung der erkannten Probleme ver?ffentlichte Albert EINSTEIN - nach seiner "Elektrodynamik bewegter K?rper" - neun weitere Arbeiten zum gleichen Thema, die in: "The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein", Volume 2, The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900 - 1909, zu finden sind. Diese Arbeiten wurden von der damaligen scientific community weitgehend ignoriert und zeigen, da? EINSTEIN vermutlich das Opfer der Wissenschaftler seiner Zeit wurde."

Beste Gr??e Ekkehard Friebe

Geschrieben von Ekkehard Friebe am 29.03.2006 um 01:12:

Re: Bekanntmachung eines Vortrages

Hallo alle zusammen!

Meinen angek?ndigten Vortrag unter dem Titel:

"Wurde Albert Einstein das Opfer der Wissenschaftler seiner Zeit?"

habe ich planm??ig am 21. 3. 06 um 16:10 Uhr bei der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) in Kassel gehalten. Es waren zwar nur etwa acht Zuh?rer erschienen, aber es verlief alles ruhig und ohne provokative Zwischenrufe. Auch die anschlie?ende Diskussion war rein sachbezogen.

Der Vortrag wird in die Tagungs-CD-ROM des Fachverbandes "Didaktik der Physik" der DPG mit folgendem Layout aufgenommen:

Beste Gr??e Ekkehard Friebe

Geschrieben von Ekkehard Friebe am 04.09.2008 um 12:09:

Re: Bekanntmachung eines Vortrages

Ekkehard Friebe schrieb am 29. 03. 2006 um 00:12 Uhr:


Hallo alle zusammen!
Meinen angek?ndigten Vortrag unter dem Titel:
"Wurde Albert Einstein das Opfer der Wissenschaftler seiner Zeit?"
habe ich planm??ig am 21. 3. 06 um 16:10 Uhr bei der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) in Kassel gehalten. Es waren zwar nur etwa acht Zuh?rer erschienen, aber es verlief alles ruhig und ohne provokative Zwischenrufe. Auch die anschlie?ende Diskussion war rein sachbezogen.

Der Vortrag wird in die Tagungs-CD-ROM des Fachverbandes "Didaktik der Physik" der DPG mit folgendem Layout aufgenommen:

In diesem Vortrag wird auf Seite 2, rechte Spalte, hingewiesen auf:
Rudolf Nedved (1979): ?Classical Theory of Relativity?

mit dem zus?tzlichen Hinweis: ?noch nicht im Internet verf?gbar?

Inzwischen liegt eine Arbeit des Autors aus dem Jahre 2001 im Internet vor:

Corpuscular Theory Of Light,%20Vol.%201.htm


Corpuscular Theory Of Light.

1. Historic review of physics of motion ("relativity") and theory of light.

The problem of velocity of the propagation of light from moving sources remained unclear until the end of the 20th century, despite feverish search for solution by the scientific world in the past 150 years and despite multitude of expensive experiments in efforts for clarification.

Evaluations of experiments with light done so far lacked the correct choice between the theory of corpuscular phenomena by Newton and the theory of mediated phenomena by Huygens. Evaluations namely did not differenciate between these two phenomena as they both were considered to be an expression of action of certain 'undulation'. Unfortunately it remained unpercieved that the 'undulations' are of different nature: in case of corpuscular phenomena (light) the action is namely a stream (beam) or ray of emitted particles, while in case of mediated phenomena (sound) the action is a mere vibration of particles of the medium! Since the relations of mediated phenomena had been known mainly under the influence of the Doppler principle, these were conveniently but erroneously considered as generally valid and wrongly applied to both theories. Thus the relations of corpuscular (that is ballistic) phenomena had regrettably not been sought, and physics does not know their whole complex even today - but it is exactly these and only these relations that are applicable to light!

Michelson's experiment 1881/7 was a historic blunder and its explanation a scientific flop, since the experiment was explained exactly contrary to what it actually proved. Had the experiment been evaluated correctly, almost all consequent experimentation would have been superfluous. The experiment's wrong explanation led to countless contradictions in scientific (mainly astronomical) knowledge where differences in the velocity of light are great, and it gave rise to illogical and paradoxical Einstein's assumptions ('theories') and Lorentz's transformation.

2. The book 'Physics Of Motion' with new theory and insight.

The book Physics of Motion is a new and complete theory providing a new insight into the nature and propagation of light, also providing general solution of motion relations based on classical physics, and that without any paradoxes.

As many as four absolutely new principles had to be discovered and formulated by the book's author in order to provide a complete corpuscular explanation of light - these principles together form a complete theory, with far reaching consequences to be appreciated by the whole scientific world. The theory unmistakenly shows that all experiments with light done so far prove perfectly well the light's corpuscular nature, and that they admit nothing else. The book does not polemise with existing assumptions or theories: it indisputably refutes and replaces them on the basis of logic and classical physics.

Some parts of Physics Of Motion have been published earlier as articles in peer scientific journals and approved as such for print by reviewers - these parts are arranged now in a logical and comprehensive sequence, and supplemented with new details and knowledge. Physics Of Motion offers a complete substitution theory (as opposed to the criticism of Einstein's and other assumptions by contemporary authors which is either fragmented and insufficient, or it does not explain why those assumptions are wrong, and it does not replace or supplement those assumptions).

Physics Of Motion is written in easily comprehensible and neutral, scientific form. Due to the book's clarity and the obviousness and logic of mathematical and physical deductions, Physics Of Motion should be treasured worldwide by physicists and other scientists, by students, and by educated laymen and public, and it ought to be taught in schools, as a book with a breakthrough theory sought-after and yet missing until now.

This article should be read together with the article "Overview Of Causes Of The Historic Error In The Theory Of Light" by the same author.

Rudolph Nedwed
Munich, Germany 15. August 2001.
Fax +49 69 230-515


Beste Gr??e Ekkehard Friebe

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