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Geschrieben von Ekkehard Friebe am 24.07.2008 um 11:53:

The Greatest Hoax in 20th Century Science

Vor wenigen Tagen, d. h. am 21. 7. 2008, erhielt ich von Mr. Richard Moody Jr. mit E-Mail einen Hinweis auf folgende URL, die seine neueste Arbeit enth?lt:

?The Eclipse Data From 1919: The Greatest Hoax in 20th Century Science?

Hierin hei?t es:


The Eclipse Data From 1919: The Greatest Hoax in 20th Century Science
By Richard Moody Jr.


The Gulf War was predicated on the concept of overwhelming superiority. In other words, the Allies didn?t resort to the minimum number of troops and support personnel to do the job. They vastly exceeded the minimum. Science is war. This paper is predicated on the principle of overwhelming scientific superiority. A similar approach was used by Woodward and Bernstein when they took on the Nixon White House. They didn?t just get enough information to get the job done, they went beyond that. It is believed here that the need to overwhelm the reader is a sad necessity brought about by the corruption and derogation of science that has taken place in the previous century.


Prior to 1919, general relativity was an obscure theory by a rising star in physics, Albert Einstein. Based on the perceived need to test this complex and intriguing concept, it was held as gospel that the sunlight passing by the sun should be bent by the gravitational attraction of the sun, something known to Sir Isaac Newton and modified by Einstein. According to prevailing wisdom, this should be observable during a total solar eclipse when the shielding of the sun?s light permitted the observation of light from distant stars being ?bent? around the sun.

In an effort to play the role of peacemaker and kingmaker, Arthur Eddington traveled to Principe in Africa with the express purpose of proving Einstein right. Prior to that, he was an advocate for Einstein, due, in part, to the fact that both men shared the same political beliefs, Pacifism. In his zeal to be both peacemaker and kingmaker (Eddington wanted to be known as the man who discovered Einstein), Eddington engaged in corruption and derogation of the scientific data, the scientific method, and much of the scientific community. To this day, this completely manufactured data set is quoted by prominent scientists and the organs of publication. It surpasses the Piltdown Fraud as the greatest hoax of 20th and 21st Century science.


Hero worship may seem harmless to some; in the case of Einstein, it has had disastrous consequences for the scientific community. Let us start with perhaps the worst cover up and brewing scandal, science has seen in the 20th and 21st Century. I am referring to the Hoax of 1919, otherwise known as the eclipse data from 1919, hereinafter called the ?Eclipse?. Einstein?s dubious science led other scientists to disgrace themselves for the express purpose of proving Einstein right about general relativity. It is almost unimaginable to ponder just how bad ?reputable? scientists are when it comes to understanding the limitations of scientific instruments, the limits of the physical conditions under which data is collected and a complete lack of understanding of the logic behind the various predictions for the deflection of light. These scientists don?t appear to understand what the scientific method is or how to apply it.

According to Graf, strong models are like crude filters, readily admitting data consistent with the theory and systematically rejecting data inconsistent with the theory. This results in a feedback loop between the corrupted and derogated data to the strong model. They reinforce each other. This has been the case for general relativity. It went from an obscure concept from a somewhat obscure scientist, to the reigning paradigm overnight, dominating thinking in theoretical physics over the past half century. ?Strong models corrupt weak men and women.?1 ?The desire to conform is almost as strong as the desire to create.?1 Strong models discourage free and independent thought. Where wealth, power and prestige come into play, they serve as club to beat back promising alternatives. General relativity is just such a model. [??????.]


Lesen Sie bitte weiter unter:

Sie finden hier noch folgende Textabschnitte:

Pathological Science
Skeptical Inquirer
Mensa Bulletin
Scientific American
Time Magazine and Stephen Hawking
David Levy
Summary and Conclusions

Beste Gr??e Ekkehard Friebe

Geschrieben von Ekkehard Friebe am 26.07.2008 um 10:39:

Re: The Greatest Hoax in 20th Century Science

Ekkehard Friebe schrieb am 24.07.2008 um 10:53 Uhr zur neuesten Arbeit von Mr. Richard Moody Jr.:
?The Eclipse Data From 1919: The Greatest Hoax in 20th Century Science?:


Lesen Sie bitte weiter unter:

Sie finden hier noch folgende Textabschnitte:

Pathological Science
Skeptical Inquirer
Mensa Bulletin
Scientific American
Time Magazine and Stephen Hawking
David Levy
Summary and Conclusions

Wenn man hier unter Bibliography nachschaut, findet man weitere Links, zum Beispiel folgende Arbeit von Professor Paul Marmet aus Kanada:

7. Marmet. P. Appendix II ?The Deflection of Light by the Sun?s Gravitational Field: An Analysis of the 1919 Solar Eclipse Expeditions.?

Hierin hei?t es:



According to Einstein's general theory of relativity published in 1916, light coming from a star far away from the Earth and passing near the Sun will be deviated by the Sun?s gravitational field by an amount that is inversely proportional to the star?s radial distance from the Sun (1.745'' at the Sun's limb). This amount (dubbed the full deflection) is twice the one predicted by Einstein in 1911, using Newton's gravitational law (half deflection). In order to test which theory is right (if any), an expedition led by Eddington was sent to Sobral and Principe for the eclipse of May 29, 1919 (1). The purpose was to determine whether or not there is a deflection of light by the Sun's gravitational field and if there is, which of the two theories mentioned above it follows.

The expedition was claimed to be successful in proving Einstein's full deflection [1,2]. This test was crucial to the general approval that Einstein's general theory of relativity enjoys nowadays.

However, this experimental result is obviously not in accordance with the result found in chapter ten. This is not a problem, as we will show that the deflection was certainly not measurable. We will see that the effect of the atmospheric turbulence was larger than the full deflection, just like the Airy disk. We will also see how the instruments could not give such a precise measurement and how the stars distribution was not good enough for such a measurement to be convincing. Finally, we will discuss how Eddington's influence worked for Einstein's full displacement and against any other possible result.


Dar?ber hinaus bringt aber die Webseite von Professor Paul Marmet noch eine Vielzahl von weiteren Links zur Kritik der Relativit?ts- und Quantentheorie, siehe:

Return to: List of Papers on the Web:

Nachstehend gebe ich einen Auszug hiervon wieder:


Newton Physics
? Paul Marmet

In the web pages below, we present explanations which are compatible with Newtonian and semi-classical physics. We apply the principle of causality and avoid models requiring a probabilistic existence of matter and non-locality. This differs from the current approach of modern physics.

A CD-ROM of this Web site is available.

Index of Papers, Books and relevant links

1- A New Non-Doppler Redshift
Semi-classical physics can explain a slightly inelastic collision of photons due to traces of hydrogen in outer space. These inelastic collisions are responsible for an observed redshift which is undistinguishable from the cosmological redshift. Numerous observations give strong supporting evidence for that previously ignored natural phenomenon.

2- Big Bang Cosmology Meets an Astronomical Death
More and more astronomical evidence points to inconsistencies in the Big Bang theory. A canadian astrophysicist presents this evidence and explains how the cosmic redshift is caused by gaseous matter in space, not by the Doppler effect.

3- Discovery of H2 in Space Explains Dark Matter and Redshift
Molecular hydrogen, difficult to detect and long ignored, is now shown to exist in sufficient quantity to explain Dark Matter and the cosmological redshift. Exotic particles are not needed and the universe can be interpreted as not expanding.

4- The Origin of the 3 K Radiation
It is shown that the 3 K radiation received from outer space is simply the natural Planck radiation emitted by the well known dust and gaseous interstellar gases at 3 K.

5- Non-Doppler Redshift of Some Galactic Objects
Redshift observations reported in several galactic objects like binary stars, star clusters, and the K effect are compared with the predicted non-Doppler redshift caused by the inelastic transmission of photons in rarefied interstellar gases (due to the mechanism explained above in papers 1, 2 and 3). It is found that the observations are compatible with the predicted redshift caused by a gas around and between stars. This mechanism has important consequences in cosmology.

6- An Open Letter to the Scientific Community
Published in New Scientist, May 22, 2004.

7- Redshift of Spectral lines in the Sun's Chromosphere
A center-to-limb variation of solar wavelengths has been known for 75 years but has remained unexplained until now. A theory considered in this paper can explain this variation and also predict its amplitude without the need of any adjustable parameter.

8- Cosmic Matter and the Nonexpanding Universe
An increasingly large number of recent observations consistently reveals the existence of a much larger amount of intergalactic matter than known a few years ago. That intergalactic gas appears to be responsible for the observed redshift. This result lead to a nonexpanding cosmological universe.

9- The 3 K Microwave Background and Olbers' Paradox
Olbers' paradox has a clear solution when we realize that the interstellar matter (dust and gases) is at 3 K. If our eyes could detect that 3 K radiation, the night sky will then be quite bright. There is no paradox when we observe the sky at the correct wavelength.

10- The Cosmological Constant and the Redshift of Quasars
We explain the reason why quasars appear to be unusual objects with large redshifts while being physically much closer to us than usually claimed. We explain why the redshift compatible with the luminosity distance relationship observed in galaxies is not observed in quasars.

11- Enlargement of the Earth's Shadow on the Moon: An Optical Illusion
"Crater timing" has been used during lunar eclipses to determine the size of the Earth's shadow. It is generally believed that the Earth's atmosphere is responsible for an apparent enlargement. However, refraction by the Earth atmosphere would make a much smaller shadow on the moon. It is shown that this is an optical illusion. It has been reproduced in a laboratory and observed by several independent observers.

12- New Study of the Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11
A previous analysis of radio Doppler and ranging data from distant Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecrafts indicated an apparent anomalous gravitational acceleration. Several hypotheses involving new physics have been proposed. We propose here that the additional acceleration in the direction of the Sun is due to the presence of dust in the Kuiper belt.

13- Absurdities in Modern Physics: A Solution
This article shows the absurdity of the interpretation of quantum mechanics and presents a realistic solution.

14- Quantum Mechanics and its Paradox: A Realistic Solution to Mermin's EPR Apparatus
A gedanken experiment by Mermin claims the impossibility of giving a realistic interpretation to his experiment. This paper gives a description of how Mermin's enigma can be solved classically.

15- International Meeting "Galileo", Bologna, 1999
Photos taken during the meeting.

16- Einstein's Theory of Relativity versus Classical Mechanics (A hard copy of this book is available.)
This book demonstrates that using classical physics and Galilean coordinates, one can derive the observed phenomena attributed to relativity.Einstein's Relativity.


Lesen Sie bitte weiter unter:

List of Papers on the Web:

Beste Gr??e Ekkehard Friebe

Geschrieben von Ekkehard Friebe am 28.07.2008 um 11:48:

Re: The Greatest Hoax in 20th Century Science

Ekkehard Friebe schrieb am 24.07.2008 um 10:53 Uhr:


Vor wenigen Tagen, d. h. am 21. 7. 2008, erhielt ich von Mr. Richard Moody Jr. mit E-Mail einen Hinweis auf folgende URL, die seine neueste Arbeit enth?lt:

?The Eclipse Data From 1919: The Greatest Hoax in 20th Century Science?

Erg?nzend m?chte ich darauf hinweisen, da? die oben genannte URL zu der Arbeit von Mr. Richard Moody Jr. in der Internetpr?senz von
Professor Umberto Bartocci, Italien enthalten ist:

Diese Internetpr?senz f?hrt auf zahlreiche weitere kritische Arbeiten zur ?Modernen Physik?, siehe z.B.:

Hieraus m?chte ich vor allem auf folgende Links aufmerksam machen:

Gertrud Walton:
hieraus: The German GOM Project Relativity, siehe:
Kap.4 (Annotated bibliography of critical publications: books and papers; 2221 KB)
Kap.5 (Books; 734KB).

Robert S. Fritzius:

My Bookland:

und daraus:
Bryan G. Wallace (1994): The Farce of Physics

Beste Gr??e Ekkehard Friebe

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